Why Jam?

It might seem like a weird thing to sell when you look at our other offerings. But here’s the story….

I started gardening in 2014 thanks to Mike, who bought me some seeds for my birthday. With gardening came canning, and with canning came jams. And once I started there was no going back to store bought jams.

Homemade jams are magical. A homemade jam is taking the most delicious morsels of the season and lovingly squishing them into a jar for later enjoyment. The texture is different, the flavor is different, and the experience is different. To enjoy a peach marmalade on a rainy winter day is to feel a little bit of sunshine on your face.

After experimenting with several different types of jams, gifting them to loved ones and reflecting on the spell they cast over all who tried them, I decided that everyone should have the opportunity to try a good homemade jam made from delicious, seasonal produce. Also I love toast…with jam. So that’s why.

All of our jams are made with whole produce. They’re always small batch, never “stretched” to make more jars. We use local, seasonal produce whenever possible in order to support our farmers and the earth. Chances are that if something is out of stock, it’s because we don’t have access to the good stuff.

What’s the best jam you’ve ever tried?



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